synopsis something contact trailer

LANDFILL is compiled from two segments of archival video footage, time-stamped February 2157. The title LANDFILL refers to the open-air garbage cell where the footage was discovered. It is generally agreed that this footage originates from a ZX_719b_2 nanocamera, a model in wide use at the time.

The first segment glimpses an early instance of waste biogenesis, originating in an accident between scissors and paper.

The second segment is a window into the daily life of an independent warehouse population. Notably, there is evidence of a crude labor delegation language based on legacy corporate icons. We see tragic failures in the management of unknown and radioactive materials, as well as emergency medical care administered using ONLY written instructions. The very existence of this footage is miraculous, given the efforts made by warehouse populations to remain anonymous. LANDFILL was one of the first approved SNPSs (Synthetic Narrator Primary Sources), and is a testament to how far ahead of its time the ZX_719b_2 nanocamera really was.

Click here for Location photos where the footage was originally found.

November 17th, 2018, Eyeworks, Pioneer Works, New York, New York
November 10th, 2018, Eyeworks, Block Cinema, Chicago, Illinois
November 3rd, 2018, Eyeworks, Redcat, Los Angeles, California
November 22nd, 2014, Issue Project Room, Brooklyn, New York
November 2nd, 2014, Terrault Contemporary, Baltimore, Maryland
October 25th, 2014, OTTO at AURORA, Providence, Rhode Island
September 26th, 2014 at the Tomato House, Brooklyn, New York

Produced, animated, directed etc. etc. etc. by James J.A. Mercer, 2014