Contact pictures synopsis help he MORRIS

MORRIS follows two anonymous protagonists through waking and dream states. They glimpse a facility haunted by MORRIS, a life form with no body who only exists in dreams. Further exploration reveals fragments of a shadowy social structure in which MORRIS and the staff of the facility manipulate each other using bizarre symbols and mysterious scientific processes.

October 25th, 2014, OTTO at AURORA, Providence, Rhode Island
Northwest Animation Fest - EFF'N Animation Program, May 12, 2014, Portland, Oregon
July 26th, 2013 at the Tomato House, Brooklyn, New York
EFFPortland, 2013, Portland, OR
Freak Flash, The Fourth Annual Publications and Multiples Fair, 2013, Baltimore Maryalnd
Hub Comics, Somerville MA, 2013
DMTV2, The Hollywood Theater, 2012, Portland Oregon (as "Dream Thing")

Produced, animated, directed etc. etc. etc. by James J.A. Mercer, 2010-2011

Piano solo by k e i k o